Growing up along the Southern California coast, we were surrounded by adventure. We strung hammocks between sequoias, barreled waves in the Pacific, and breathed deep into the thin mountain air.
For us, a life well lived is a life full of adventure. However, as forests burn by the acre and biodiversity dwindles by the species, it has become obvious that our home — this blue green rock of finite radius and infinite possibility — is in need of help.
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make".
Realizing that change requires immediate and continuous action, we decided to create Adventure Labs. We build tools to help people explore and protect Earth's biodiversity.
The future will be decided by explorers and scientists — the hungry hearts and active minds that will keep adventure alive. Onwards.
Chief Science Officer
Tim Kacius
Chief Financial Officer
Grant Hays
Debbie Hays
Jett Hays